Easy Street close up |
Easy Street Flimsy |
Well, finally together. BIGGGGG!!!!! I think it is about 88" squarish. It is hard to measure as I don't have a space big enough to lay it out. I think I will add a deep purple 1" border and an outer 3 1/2" border with turqoius with lime green splatters on it. Did I say it was BIGGGG! I do not have a queen size bed. I am not a fan of lime green but it doesn't seem to overpower it in real life. The pic is a little blurry. Hard to take a photo in my bedroom. The light is terrible.
I am NOT going to quilt this on my home machine. Will try to do it on the longarm. May take awhile but I am sure it will be easier and quicker.
So far, my leader and ender pinwheel count is up to 47. Not sure what is going to be done with them. Baby quilt or border????
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