Thursday, August 29, 2013

Quilt cruise

Sawyer Glacier
on the Norwegian Jewel 13th deck open air (except for some Plexiglas) favorite place
my cabin mate from Calgary, Kat
This has taken a long time to post.   On the cruise, I did not have internet usage, so no post.
I took a lot of photos but I am having trouble with my photo program, trying to transfer them.  My Kodak program won't work and I can't work the Nikon program yet.   So here is a few shots from my phone.
    Had a wonderful, wonderful time.   You can't imagine unless you have been to the Inside Passage, Alaska.   I loved it. The Sawyer Glacier and the trip up the Tracy Arm was breathtaking.  I really got some beautiful pictures, but having problems transferring them.
Had a great time in class with Bonnie, but can't show you the quilt I started YET  You know she has many secrets she can't show because of coming books, magazines or mysteries.
  Kat, my cabin mate from Calgary was very gracious to put up with me.  Actually, we got along very well.   Had a great time and I am thankful that she wanted to be in my cabin, Thanks, Kat!!!
   It took me several days at home to finally get my land legs under me, after over 7500 miles in motion, either in air or on sea.   I was surprised my house was rocking just like the ship.  I have been really tired but am very happy that I went.   It was an experience that I won't soon forget.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Bags are packed

Bags are packed and I am ready and rearing to go
My Bags are packed and Bonnie, here I come!!!  I can't believe the time has finally come.   I will be leaving for Boston at 3:15 tonight (tomorrow morning), then off to Seattle to catch my cruise ship.
I have never been to the West Coast, never cruised and never been to Alaska.   I haven't flown in 47 years, way back in 1966 from Portland to Washington D.C.
My quilt project is all packed and ready to sew.  My hexie bag is ready.
My Hubby is missing me all ready, poor boy!!!   He has a busy week planned.  He will be haying for 3 days and two different fairs for ox pulling for 3 days.  I hate to miss Union Fair but, I AM ALASKA BOUND!!!!

Sunday-quilting at sea
Thursday-quilting at sea
Friday- Victoria B.C.
Saturday-Seattle, then home