My dreams came true. This is a gift from my sons! |
easy street step 5, done on time |
Heart quilt for a class at JoAnn's (more pics to follow)
This has truly been a busy week. With all the finishing up of Christmas things, wrapping, putting up the tree, making pies, etc, etc, I still managed to get step 5 completed and make 30 heart blocks for a quilt for a class at JoAnn's. I guess that was the only way to keep my sanity with a newly retired Hubby.
Was sharing about this White machine I spotted at an antique shop with my youngest son. He and his brother got it for me for Christmas, yeah, totally unexpected. It is well worn but I cleaned it up and oiled it last night, tested the motor, but it was toooooo late to actually sew on it. Today, I will thread the beast and check it out properly. It is real heavy duty, says canvas and leather too, wow!!!! The fabric on it had a very nice stitch, so am sure it will work well. I just love it. I know, after the Bonnie tradition, it needs a name.. ????? A real workhorse and a beast. Maybe Fiona, after shrek!!!!
CAN'T WAIT!!! I also signed up for Bonnie's Alaska cruise!!!!! Boy, oh, Boy, so excited!!!!! I am really nervous, too. Haven't flown since 1966, never cruised or been further west than East Tennessee. Will really be losts of firsts for me at my age. But, I am still so looking forward to it.
Still need a cabinmate, if anyone is interested!!! Love to have you join me!!!